Sending in Neuenbürg

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Now it’s already a month since our sending service at our home church in Neuenbürg. We were so busy the last few weeks with clearing our appartment, packing, … that we did not get to write something. Now it’s just a little late ;).

We had a wonderful, very touching and encouraging sending service. Many friends and relatives came and it was really encouraging to see how many people are taking part in our lives and supporting us. Rainer Becker, Director of the Marburger Mission, spoke about the Great Commission and encouraged us with the two promises of the Great Commission, that God has all power and that he is always with us. He compared the two promises with the two suspensions of a hammock in which we may rest while we are in Taiwan. Then we have been sent out by Dean Botzenhardt and Rainer Becker. After the service many people stayed for lunch and for a couple of nice program contributions. It was also great to talk to so many of our friends and to see them one more time before we leave.

Many, many, many thanks to all who organized and contributed to this day. It has become something really special for us. And thanks also to all who were just there and encouraged us by their presence.


After several months of waiting, many phone calls, emails, visits to various Taiwanese embassies … we finally have our visas. It is exactly the type of visa we need for our work in Taiwan and now we can go ahead in preparations.
Thanks to all who have supported us and prayed for us!

Vacation time

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The last three weeks we were on vacation. We travelled with Joe’s parents and some friends from Neuenbuerg to Lake Maggiore in Italy. The weather was perfect and Amy loved to splash in the water. We were riding boat, visited Swiss Miniature, ate delicious pizza, … It was a very nice week. Shortly after that we made our way to England. There we spent a few days at the South coast in Worthing and we also went ​to London for one day. In London, we have looked at a school, where Joe possibly can do further education in the future. We also had the opportunity to meet a former colleague of Joe and a missionary whom we know. From England we flew back to Geneva and went straight into the French Alps. There we spent a great week with Simone’s family. We did a lot of climbing, hiking, and saw beautiful cities and the Mont Blanc. It was very nice to spend these times with our families before we will soon leave to Taiwan.
There are more pictures of our vacation time in our photo album Lago Maggiore, photo album England and photo album France.


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In recent weeks I was able to see two men again, of whom I learned a lot. First my tutor and physics teacher from school and second my dean of my computer science studies. I have not seen both since the end of high school or since my university degree and it was nice to get together. Many memories became awake and I realized how time flies – both are now in well-deserved retirement.

Working in Marburg

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Last week we once again worked in the mission headquarters in Marburg. This time we stayed at the home of the mission director Rainer Becker and his wife. We enjoyed being together with them very much. It’s always nice meeting the staff at the headquarters and getting to know them better. Amy loves visiting our colleagues in their offices and keeping them from doing their work ;-). Joe has worked at the English translation of the webpage of the Marburger Mission and took care of the paperwork for our visas. The weather last week was really great and so we were able to set up a small swimming pool for Amy in the garden, which she loved a lot. From time to time the wife of a colleague with her little son Jonathan came to visit and Amy played with him. Several times we also got together for dinner with another family going as missionaries to Albania in September. When we have been in Marburg last time, we even had a barbecue with other colleagues in the garden of our Director (of course after work;-)).

Bibleclub Retreat

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A little after Pentecost we once again went to the Lago Maggiore with our “bible club girls” for a few days. It was the fourth time that we were together for a retreat in Italy… Every morning we had a bible study together and talked about the meaning of being a witness of Jesus in this world. We also did a lot of other fun stuff: we went swimming, were hiking (at least some of us), were lying on the beach, were in the Verzasca valley, and ate ice cream … It was just wonderful.

Most of the girls have now finished high school and are going now to completely different places in Germany and abroad. We are truly grateful to God for the time we have had together once more and hope that many times like this will follow!
You can see more pictures in our photo album Bibelclub Retreat

Travelling in the US

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After a good week in Columbia, we travelled to New Jersey to visit our former neighbors Sam and Sarah with their kids. Since the distance is quite far we have stayed in Pennsylvania for one night and visited the Amish. The Amish are a group of German emigrants who still live the same way as they did in the 18th Century. They also still speak a German dialect, the Pennsylvania Dutch, which is very similar to our Swabian. It is really interesting and also nice to see the Amish still live a quiet life in the otherwise quite hectic America. In New Jersey we spoke at the youth group of a Chinese church led by our former neighbor Sam and shared about our lives. We had many good encounters and some of the participants were even Taiwanese. During our time in New Jersey, we also had the opportunity to visit Liberty Corner mission, the American cooperation partner of Marburger Mission. In Liberty Corner, there is still a real “motherhouse” as in Germany and it was very nice to get to know the sisters there (in a motherhouse live deaconesses, women who decided to give their life completely into ministry for Christ and therefore do not marry). Along with Sam and Sarah, we also visited Dennis, a friend who also studied in Columbia and now lives in New York City. Dennis is now a pastor in Chinatown, where he also showed us around. It’s great to have people who can also show ‘hidden’ corners.
We are truly grateful for the wonderful two weeks we could spend in the US. It’s great to know so many people and to be associated with them. Thanks also to Katie & Joe and Sarah & Sam for their hospitality!
There are more pictures of our time in the USA in our photo album USA 2013.

Once again in Columbia

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In May we had the opportunity to visit once again our old home in the US. We stayed for a week in Columbia and we were able to visit many good friends from university and church. We were even able to stay with our friends from New Zeeland, who live only a few houses besides our old home. We had a great time and we are very grateful that we were able to come back to Columbia at a time where many of our friends at university were still there. In a few years this is certainly different, as many will have completed their studies and will be scattered all over the world. We also attended some events and worship services of our church in Columbia. It was almost as if we had hardly been away.

Church Retreat

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The end of April we were on a weekend retreat with our German church close to Stuttgart. We thought about all the blessings God has given to us, talked a lot and just had fun together. Joe helped with the devotions and the service on Sunday morning and Simone helped with the children’s program. Every night after the official program, there was a “night owl cafe” which was also a good opportunity to get into conversation with each other.
We had a great fellowship and it was nice to spend time with the people of our church for a whole weekend.

Candidate Orientation

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The last two weeks we have been in Marburg in the mission’s headquarters. In the first week we participated there in a Candidate Orientation. We and two other future missionaries dealt with the history of the Marburger Mission, the structures, the theological backgrounds, legal matters and more. It was interesting to learn all these things and to get to know our organization in more detail. In the mornings Amy was with the wife of a colleague and their little boy, which helped us a lot. In the afternoons she was at the program with us. It was nice to get to know the other two future missionaries better. One of them is Ruth Estell. She is American and will also be going to Taiwan in August. She will be part of our team and will work at Bethesda, which is a home for callenged children and adults. We really look forward to work together with her.
This week we participated in the mission’s headquarters and helped with different things. We will do that again for a few times in the coming months. In this way, we get to know the work in the office and the staff in Marburg better.